Obvious Clickbait ensues!

graphic by the great online poker player @inthenow. Winner of multiple tournaments!

Do you like fun? How about community? Shall we debate whether or not poker is a sport? Because it is. And a skill game. I should know cuz I often win. Well, 'often' might be pushing the proverbial envelope. However! I have totally won more than once. So there! Come check out ScorumPoker.com and all your dreams should come true!* (*obviously I'm not guaranteeing this lol don't sue me. or Tuck.)

when you (if you) become a member, the times in this box will be your personal time zone. this is my time zone; PST

Come play!

this one is by @kryptik but he went and had a baby so he's 'busy' and stuff

Once again, thank you for supporting this post and blog as it is run to support the site and community at ScorumPoker.com!