Do YOU like to play? ;)

basically that's Tuck with a lame 'beard'.

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Daily Tournaments!

Daily 30 Chip Freeroll 9:00 AM CDT
The @Little Mikey Poker Series PLH/PLO 10:00 AM CDT
Tadas' Poker Marathon 12:00 PM CDT


  • Weekly 50 Chip Freeroll at 7:00 PM

Sorry I've been MIA the last few days. You MAY have noticed (or maybe i told you lol) I got a second, part time job. So even though I only work for 6 hours (ish) at a time, I do that 6 times a week. and three of those days I can't be online other than my phone. LE SIGH. So anyway, apologies, and thank you for supporting this blog and therefore this poker site!

Don't forget, you have to play some ring games in order to qualify to be one of the winners of this contest!!