If you're a blogger on Scorum, you can play online poker for free at ScorumPoker.com!

my screenshot, of me, getting four of a kind on ScorumPoker!

Just The Tip

@bethalea here with another 'just the tip' for all my friends out there who may be still confused about some things!

Check when out of position

Playing out of position with a high stack-to-pot ratio is complicated. High stack-to-pot ratio means you have a bunch of chips and the pot is not very big. It makes it feel like you should just go ahead and bet because... why not? You have soooo many chips! However, (I find) especially in tournaments where stack management is so important, doing this will drain you quickly, efficiently and quietly.

So basically, you just have to check! Keep your head about you; my thought is no matter my stack size, if I'm out of position and I don't love my hand and wouldn't naturally bet big, then I check. It helps me see how in love my opponents are with their hands and make my decisions accordingly.

There you go! You're welcome! ;)

Tournaments on ScorumPoker Today!

Come out, win some chips and get ready for some ring game action this weekend! we try to play Friday nights, so now's your chance! Remember, if you're an active blogger on Scorum.com, you can play on ScorumPoker! Register today!

Catch you on the felt!