The second action packed and smack talking throwdown, A.K.A. #llamageddon had its next installment with the winners as follows...
1st place: kryptokeeper 15 SCR
2nd place: lama10 10 SCR
3rd place: bethalea 6 SCR
kryptokeeper said he would be putting a 50 SCR bounty on himself for this weekend's #llamageddon. Mucho Domination! Many Thanks to SPL and Ancapbarbie for hosting and a shout out Rev. Rum and JodCarey for also making things possible. Cheers to Collaboration :)
The ninth week of #alpacalypse produced the following throw downs and felt fun that resulted in this...
1st place: Bethalea 15 SCR
2nd place: leosdemond11 9 SCR
3rd place: thebull 6 SCR
The bounty was on thebull, which ballooned to an astonishing 20 SCR. Thanks go out to 10 SCR from bethalea and 5 SCR from inthenow. @bethalea collected so it ended up at a solid 10 SCR. Ancap will fund the 5 SCR bounty on bethalea on this.