
Due to the upcoming holidays and work required travel, development on will be put on hold until around February 2019. During this time any bugs that crop up can still be addressed, but no new work will be done.

Birra The Pirate

As we all know, Birra is a Pirate by trade. I cannot reveal his identity because, well he's a Pirate, and I didn't get his permission in time for publication.

Plenty of Booty

Pirates find plenty of booty while out and about. Here's Birra with some hot booty he came across on one of his previous adventures. Aho Matey!

Not Tuck, but similar in attire. cereal and asses.

Hard @ Work

Don't worry, while Birra is gone pirating for m0ar booty I'll still be around working hard at HQ with my helpers.

See you at the tables!