Let’s face it, rugby is quite an underrated sport. Apparently, it isn’t as popular as the NFL, NBA, MLB, and other major sports events that gain millions of fans each year. But it exists, and it thrives.

We see rugby on the news more often than not- the winning teams, notable matches, emerging personalities, but admittedly, many of us still don’t know the things that go down in a rugby tournament.

There are many things to love about this massive, exciting, and dare I say, wildly entertaining sport, which you won’t get to witness in any other event. And its presence is becoming more and more felt, as it should. Some two or three years ago, rugby became an official Olympic sport, which means that it’s on its way to global recognition.

So if you’re someone who’s looking for other opportunities to grow your betting options, why don’t you try to explore rugby bitcoin betting? Allow me to share a few good reasons why you should.

Image Source: Rugby World Cup

It’s football, but ten times the aggression

If you’re a thrill-seeker like me, rugby is the place to be. Rugby packs all the great things about football and brings it into a more action-fueled tournament. It centers on physicality, thus the existence of an arena dominated by gigantic players. Unlike the typical American sports, rugby features a whopping 80-minute action filled with heart-stopping runs, massive tackles and resounding whistles. And in Bitcoin betting, more action means more wagering variety.

Rugby isn’t as dense as other popular events

The amount of bettors engaging in Bitcoin sports betting with rugby isn’t as dense and cramped like other global events, such as the NFL. When you’re taking breaks from these overpopulated betting lines where prices and stakes can be high, you can bet your Bitcoin on other events for a reasonable price, like rugby. So, now would be the best time to enter the betting field while there is a large array of options and opportunities to maximize, and the market isn’t too crowded.

It’s a global sport

As I’ve mentioned, rugby has already penetrated the Olympic stage, which means that it already has the global badge. Teams from all over the world are now competing in a single field, which means that rugby bitcoin betting is just gonna get bigger from here. You can expect more bitcoin sportsbooks opening lines for the matches, and more Bitcoin users opening up to this sport.

Various betting formats are available

Less popular sports events tend to be confined underground, which means that there would be lesser betting lines to choose from. You may be simply restricted to do a moneyline or a spread, which can be limiting to many. Luckily for rubgy bitcoin betting, there is a wide selection of betting lines to choose from, including handicap betting, which is a common betting style used by many rugby bettors.

Players got the moves

Aside from its intense action, rugby has another thing that keeps its audiences’ eyes glued on the field - the dance break. Yes, you read that right. Now you might be thinking, athletes? Dancing? In the middle of a tournament? This may seem a little too out of place, but yes, rugby players show off their moves right there on the field. It all started with the New Zealand Blacks, which happens to be one of the elite teams in rugby. They do this thing called Haka; a ceremonial dance that serves as a challenge to the others. Other teams may respond to it, resulting in a show of not only the players’ skills, but also their impeccable moves.

So for the sake of profits and for the sake of entertainment, what’s stopping you from joining the Bitcoin sports betting hype on rugby?

Follow me for more tips and strategies on betting, casino gaming, and poker. I usually base my content on my betting experience at Nitrogen Sports. Their blog is also extremely helpful for updates. Check them out here: https://blog.nitrogensports.eu/.