Slowly, my running adventures through the forests and quarries of Kremenchuk came to an end, and with them the trail series "Kremen Trail League". The starts and finishes of the three previous trails ("Kagamlyk Trail", "Sosnivka Trail", "Premier Trail") of the series have already been heard in March and April, it remains to cross the finish line of the last trail of the series, called "Deivka Trail".

Since the "Deivka Trail" became the final trail of the series, the organizers prepared an interesting trail route for the participants with a small number of ascents and descents, and a length of 21 kilometers, which passed through the forest trails Dovzhik and surrounding fields.


Registration for the final trail of the "Kremen Trail League" series, namely "Deivka Trail" took place on the official website Where participants could choose one of two distances of 21 and 10 kilometers.

The “Deivka Trail” route ran mainly through the Dovzhik forest and its surroundings and consisted of a distance of 21 kilometers from two laps and a distance of 10 kilometers from one.


Well, the last trail of the series "Kremen Trail League", namely "Deivka Trail" started at 10 o'clock in the vicinity of the forest Dovzhik, after a little warm-up and briefing from the organizers. In the end of which the participants went on the final running journey that awaited them during the conquest of the "Kremen Trail League".

The final trail of the series, namely "Deivka Trail" received the longest distance among all trails of the series "Kremen Trail League", namely 21 kilometers. Where participants could enjoy an interesting route for the last time, which was prepared for them by the organizers this year.

The distance of 21 kilometers consisted of two laps of 10 kilometers each, the route of which passed through the forest trails Dovzhik. The route of the circle itself can be figuratively divided into three parts, namely the first three-mile circles passed mainly through the surrounding fields, after which the participants were waiting for a one-mile high-speed paved section, followed by a 2-mile stretch of Dovzhik forest trails.

In addition, participants at each round were waiting for two food stations, which were located at the beginning and end of each round. On which the trail participants could replenish their water supplies and regain their strength in the company of volunteers.

As for me, I managed to cover the first three miles in 29 minutes and run the first half of the trail in one hour. Which was pretty good. The second part of the trail was slower and had to spend about 20 minutes more.

And 2 hours and 25 minutes after the start I managed to cross the finish line of the trail "Deivka Trail", and with it came to an end and my trail adventures in Kremenchuk, as well as the trail series "Kremen Trail League", which for two months for I was opened by interesting trail routes of Kremenchuk.


The “Deivka Trail” trail turned out to be a really good finale in the “Kremen Trail League” series, which during March and April gave its participants positive impressions from running and interesting trail routes. The "Deivka Trail" route gave a lot of positive impressions, both from the organization of the running event and from a very interesting trail route, which passed through forest trails.