Rats! They didn't draw my number. I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't sink a bit when I got this email (pictured in background of fucking weird pic above).

But. That's okay. My number wasn't drawn this time. Such is life. However, I am still training. Why? Because I've started now and don't wish to stop. Also, I've found a new marathon to join!

The "Tokyo Marathon Training Blog" series will now be called "Shizuoka Marathon Blog!"

The 2019 Shizuoka Marathon looks like a beautiful run, and is just about the right time frame I am aiming for. As such, once signups commence in October, I'm going to be getting on it.

I was initially pretty disappointed when I found out Tokyo was a no-go today, but Shizuoka is on the way to another destination my family will be heading to at that time, so this works out nicely...I hope. There's not nearly as many people that run this race, so hopefully I get in. I'd love to get a nice, sunny day, and run along the coast with Mt. Fuji in view.

Even if it rains on the day of the race, though, I am simply excited about continuing training in the fall (doing long runs which end with a soak at the hot springs is one of the best things about training here in Japan!) and just having this focal point of a goal now to look forward to!

I'll keep you posted!