Whether you are new to the platform and have 50SP or you are an early adopter with 50K SP, it is important to maximise your voting power. I have thought about this previously in relation to Steemit, and the same applies here on Scorum. I have broken my thoughts down into three separate areas. Let's get started.

Know how the voting calculation works

As you will have noticed, every time you upvote a post or a comment, your voting power decreases. You will also have noticed that as your voting power decreases, so too does the value of your upvote.

So, it is important therefore that your voting power does not reduce too much - there are two reasons for this. Firstly, the recipient of your upvote will not get the full benefit of your vote if you have allowed your voting power to get too low. Secondly, the curation awards that you reap are directly proportional to the power of your upvote.

Ok, you're with me so far hopefully. Know let's get to the maths. Now I could write out some fancy equations to explain this part, but I am afraid I will lose some of the people who are scared by equations :o)

So, let's keep it very simple. When you vote for something, it costs 5% of your voting power, and it will take 6 hours to get back to 100% after casting that vote. Let's say you vote twice, this will bring your voting power down to 90% and it will take 12 hours to get yourself back to 100% voting power. The pattern continues like this.

Time to recharge to 100% VP

80% to 100% - 1 day

60% to 100% - 2 days

40% to 100% - 3 days

20% to 100% - 4 days

0% to 100% - 5 days

This leads nicely onto my next item.

Plan your absences

Source - www.eccireland.ie

I have trouble when I try to get onto Scorum from my mobile phone. So, all of my Scorum posts are typed from my trusty laptop, but guess what, I don't bring my laptop on holidays or on short weekend breaks.

For other people, they may be away with work for a few days, or know that they cannot post or vote for a few days.

This is the time to go nuts with your voting! Say you know you are going to be away for 3 days, then you can let your voting power dwindle to 40%, safe in the knowledge that it will have recovered to 100% the next time you log on.

Thinking ahead in this manner makes a lot of sense. So, if you log out at 6pm, and you know that you won't get on again until around 6pm the following day, then you can let your VP drop to 75-80%, safe in the knowledge that your VP will be back to 100% or very close to it the next time you log in.

Never leave your voting power sitting at 100%

Ok, so now we know how quickly our VP declines and how long it take to recharge and we know that it is important to think ahead.

It's a bad idea to let your VP drop too much, unless you are planning for time away, but equally, we don't want our VP sitting at 100% for any period of time.

When your voting power is at 100%, you are missing out on two things. You are losing the chance to upvote your followers or random good posts and comments, but you are also losing out on the curation awards you could potentially gain on these votes. So, what I tend to do, is plan for my VP to be between 95% and 100%, so as to avoid losing out when it sits at 100% without any action from me.

I am going to tag introduceyourself and introducemyself here, as I think this could be very useful to new members, and i guess this is a likely place that all new members will find themselves in those early days.


  • Know how the simple maths works to recharge your VP.
  • Plan your time away by upvoting more than you usually do, such that your VP will be back to 100% when you get back.
  • Don't leave your VP sitting at 100%, as you are missing out on rewarding others, as well as missing out on the curation awards based on these same upvotes.

As always, thanks for taking the time to read my post, I appreciate it.

Peace Out