The development of Blockchain-based internet world is growing rapidly, various social media present for users to appreciate the results of their writing,, has become one of the social media in the Sports segment, this is extraordinary and extraordinary. appreciation from me. and now I am increasingly convinced and believe that in the future the Blockchain world is a better future.

And I'm here today and started joining Scorum, the name @abunagaya is a unique name that I attach as an account name at I hope I can stay on this platform and share information with them great and keep updating information and about sports around the world.

I am in Indonesia and live in the province of Aceh, and I think the name Aceh has become popular since the devastating Tsunami 13 years ago, precisely December 26, 2014, with a 9.1 SR and Tsunami earthquake struck the entire island, with a total loss of 300 thousand people dead. This is where I live with all the joys and sorrows. Indonesia, and live in the province of Aceh, and I think the name Aceh has become popular since the devastating Tsunami 13 years ago, precisely December 26, 2014, with a 9.1 SR and Tsunami earthquake struck the entire island, with a total loss of 300 thousand people dead. This is where I live with all the joys and sorrows.

Hopefully, Scorum adds my passion and passion for writing, writing about my favorite sport, race time, volleyball, horse racing, and many other sports I will share with my friends in the cor.

send regards for success

warm greetings to the world of sports

