The saying says "Don't know, so it's not dear". I think it's true, because I've experienced this myself. Therefore, let me introduce myself on the Scorum Platform. My name is Amrizal, but I am often called amryksr. KSR itself is an extension of the Voluntary Corps or can be called a volunteer. I started joining KSR in 2008 while I was studying at one of the universities in Aceh.

When I was educated, I joined the Student Activity Unit. So since then, the name KSR has always been attached to me. I am the 7th child of 8 siblings. With 3 men and 5 women. At that time father was a farmer and mother had activities to raise and educate her children. Until now my father passed away a few years ago.

Today I am starting my daily activities and sipping a glass of coffee. The introduction to the Scorum Platform began with @harferi and @dsatria's brothers who had previously joined the Scorum Platform. Brother @harferi not only introduced Scorum to me, but he also introduced Steemit to me in early 2017 and until now I have been able to feel the results in Steemit. On a few days the brother of @dsatria sent me a message about Scorum, only when I did not immediately join Scorum.

After the brother of @harferi told me about Scorum, I started looking for references and analyzing what Scorum was. Until I get the conclusion, that Scorum is almost the same as Steemit. Because Scorum with Steemit both give rewards to users. Both when users are uploading, posting or commenting.

Without waiting for a long time, precisely on August 8, 2018 I signed up as a Scorum user and tried to make the article as good as possible according to the knowledge I have. Maybe what I am trying to do will be different from other people. Because hair can be the same as black, but different thoughts.

Here, I can mean Scorum is a Blockchain-based online sports media. That gives rewards to active users by betting or creating articles about sports. It will be different from stemit, because the Scorum focuses on the world of sports.

Thank you for those who want to see my article and want to provide constructive suggestions. For that, do not hesitate to continue to follow me and follow @amryksr.