What does tenacity, bluntness and the vigor of one million stallions produce..... it produces the Iconic wit and logical fury of @brandonk. In the second installment of my series , "Icons of Scrorum", I will pay homage to the enigmatic and often pragmatic brandonk. He will let you know where you stand or he stands with no apologies. I relate :)

Me eagerly awaiting the next well written post by brandonk! (pixabay)

He has tirelessly promoted Scorum with a focus on MMA and also is generous in his promotions and initiatives and gives away those sweet SCR's for the good of the ecosystem. Through thick and thin he remains honest about how he feels and is not afraid to cuss. He's been quite nice and supportive to me and is able to be a staunch individualist so Mazel Tov and Fuck Yeah!

Being a realist is no easy feat and being able to still see the opportunity in a sea of pessimists is no easy task. His following is impressive and he is an asset to the community in all the right ways that make an ecosystem not stagnate regardless of what circumstances are present in the cryptosphere. (sidenote, since nobody nominated a second new user for my 2 SCR MOIST giveaway @brandonk got it)

Even if one fights in a cage that doesn't mean our possibilities are in a cage! (pixabay)

Until next time please remember that which does not bend will break so we must be very flexible Scorumerers' indeed. Stay thirsty my friends but not too thirsty as that causes dehydration.

Strip Down to the Essentials and Build your own Brand/Persona, Being decent and fair is free :)

Leave A Comment to Nominate a Scorum Icon or to just tell me that for a "girl" I have balls of Steel. Alpacas never quit but they spit!