These are very Bearish times but one thing good that comes out of it is that you see who still puts "skin in the game". It takes everything from Devs to Content Creators to Investors to make an Ecosystem thrive. Active investors are what keeps a lot afloat and in the green. INVESTED Witnesses who put their money where their mouth is and support and curate as well, also prove invaluable in bearish times. I head up a Witness...TeamGood, where everyone is an individual and yet together we are a team. It is not always fun or pleasant and is a lot of work but I will say that when you choose who to vote for, I do look at how much "Skin in the Game" they are willing to or would/have put up.

TeamGood Specs:

Rank #17 of the active witnesses

Current votes: 413694

Missed blocks: 0 out of over 12k! (these stats are close to a week old so is actually more, still as of today Zero missed blocks and we are currently on the most recent Blockchain version)

CPU: Intel Xeon D-1520

RAM: 32GB DDR4 ECC 2133 MHz

Hard drive: 2x2TB

We’re even getting a backup server up and running to make sure we can keep the witness servicing the community in the event of an outage.

Are they on the latest version that is running? Is their system such that if updates are needed it won't bork stuff up like having the betting platform launched without drama/glitches? Is there tech support and back up? How good and reliable is the location of their server/servers, as these facts matter to avoid borks?

What systems are people using? How many blocks have been missed and why? If threats come up, are they going to be able to work as one or throw red herrings as to why things are not up to speed? What exactly is the motive and can I trust that MY Investment is cared about as well as their own? (assuming besides content creation they put actual money into the platform which means it puts more money into EVERYONE'S Pockets.)

Those who actively took a leap of faith to put some money INTO Scorum and Skin In The Game l respect a great deal. There tends to be a larger incentive to not put up with certain issues and that includes realizing that onboarding more INVESTORS is crucial to success. Retaining and promoting and curating creators is crucial as well because it is an ecosystem that is very delicately balanced. FUD and fear tactics do not entice people who want to put money into this platform and it in fact accomplishes the opposite. I know this, as I've been in talks with Millionaires who flat out told me that I put "Skin in the Game" and are watching to see how that evolves and translates in the future.I'm going to attach a couple of fellow Witness Members posts which explain further the nuts and bolts of our Witness. I am prefacing this post as Op/Ed as I am speaking for myself and also addressing some matters I find pertinent to the evolution of this platform. Thank You.

Voting Instructions and Info and Mission Statement

We have received a huge amount of support so far, and while I would love to thank everyone individually by name, I don't want to leave anyone out or make it seem like we're exclusive in any way. I would, however, like to extend huge thanks to @guiltyparties both for his unwavering support of veteran communities across multiple platforms, and for his creation of a tool allowing Scorum users to vote for Delegates, until there is a way to do so from the Scorum site itself:
... which does not store or transfer your key(s) anywhere at all ever. The site also shows whether a Delegate is currently processing blocks or is disabled (for several possible reasons).
He is also part of the @bro-delegate Scorum Delegate team along with @ats-david, which we are proud to support as well.
Mission statement: Investing in Scorum and its users to build strong, vibrant, communities, both virtual and real-life, that enable support for those that do good through sponsorship, team building, and other initiatives.

Thank you for stoppin' by and Scorum On!