Today we have got Scorum Blog Update 3.0 with the new improvements of the interface and a new possibility to buy SCR with ETH. Good development, but there are still things that could be radically improved…

Recently, our Michael Luchies, @Mikey, has posted very nice text titled “10 Things Scorum Already Does Better Than Steemit”, which represents a good commendation to the development team for all the hard work. He left me the less grateful part of work — a little critique. So, I do not expect rewards like he had, but I have to turn the attention of the developing team to some neccessities…

At Scorum…

#1 Follow, but no Feed

We have “follow” system at Scorum, but we don’t have “feed” option, like at Stemit, so we could see when someone of the followed users has published a post.

#2 No “rescore” recommendation

We do not have “resteem” (rescore?) option, so we could recommend the best posts (Oh, BTW, if you implement this option, please make it so that posts and “rescores” are separated)

#3 No username link

We do not have “username link”, like we have at Steemit with the prefix “@” for a quick jump to the mentioned user.

#4 Formatting options

Yes, formatting text at Steemit is a bit more complicated (you can choose between markup language and HTML codes), but it has more flexibility. Can we have another “more complicated” formatting option?

#5 Editing and formatting comments

So far, we can only sit and cry if we make a mistake in the comments 😥

At both systems:

#6 Tags, but no search

We have tags, but we don’t have a reliable search engine that could be used on usernames combined with tags, and with the use of operators AND, OR & NOT.

#7 Sore point — navigation

We don’t have navigation system that would allow us to jump to a historically first post, or a post at the certain date, or a post numbered in ascending or descending order. More posts, more important navigation will be.

#8 Sharing posts

At present, from Scorum we can share posts with Twitter, Facebook and Reddit, but not with Steemit… From Steemit we can share posts with Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and Linkedin, but not with Scorum… Would be nice if that could be done from both sides.

Is there anything you find annoying besides my little gripes?