Publish0x is a counterpart of Bounty0x, a platform which allows one to share and create media to earn different cryptocurrencies.
They are currently giving away a few hundred dollars (USD) in Ethereum, the topic is on cryptocurrency their users (and authors) are holding.
I decided to give Scorum another shout out because I have seen evidence of the team actually working to integrate BetScorum with their new work.. and I saw this evidence as late as today.
I won't go into detail of the inclinations I have, but somewhere along the line the Scorum team will produce a product..
I don't believe malicious intent is there with the Scorum team (although naivety and stubbornness surely is).
Well, enough pointing fingers and complaining, check out the Publish0x contest here:
...just note that you must apply to become an author there and I believe proof of blogging is necessary.
Here is my entry:
Good luck to Scorum and us a community!