In regards to the affiliate program, users can promote Scorum on their own time to earn SCR! Any questions can be addressed to me in the comments, or to the Scorum team directly. There is a Telegram link for those interested, or you can reach out to:; ask away if you'd like to know more!

Now to the quirkiness....

Have you ever seen a drawing, or a piece of art in a bar bathroom that was so damn cool it took your attention over? Maybe I am the only one but I notice sketches and even graffiti all over the city, and I try to remember the 'tag' or aritst's name if there is one...

...regardless, this alludes to my point of a seriously quirky way I promoted Scorum tonight. 

I was in T-Mobile looking for a new phone and realized that all the tablets and phones were pretty popular with the customers waiting in the store. Usually those things have no internet connection, but these did, and they were quick! 

I proceeded to head to '' (as always) and I changed every phone and tablet to have their homescreen as Scorum! It was a tiny win but it felt epic, and I know damn well somebody saw Scorum from this and will join eventually! 

I feel like even the smallest margin of promotion can create a butterfly effect; you never really know who will see what you put out there, and there is always a chance (no matter how miniscule) that things will work out exactly as you saw them.

I just wanted to share this because I felt like kind of a dork changing all the phone screens, but at the end of the day I was the consumer and in turn I was right!

Are there are any ways you promote Scorum on your downtime?