Scorum blogging platform is developing and improving nicelly. I am here from the first day and Scorum team did many nice things to make Scorum better. Beside many good things that they did, I really don't like their view about SCR Token.

First of all, 12 MONTHS POWERING DOWN is simply TOO LONG. That was old Dan Larimer's idea at the beginning of STEEM blockchain but he has realized that he was wrong and he has changed that to three months while he was involved with STEEM. Even three months is too long to get your tokens back and that is why Dan has changed that to THREE DAYS at EOS. That is really optimum time frame and imagine how nice it would be that you can get your SCR Tokens in 72h. This would improve SCORUM platform greatly and it would improve SCR liquidity.

SCR liquidity is second thing that HAS to be improved. Now we can buy SCR with ETH and that is nice improvement plus credit card purchase will be nice addition also. Problem is that we can trade SCR at only ONE low volume exchange, OpenLedger. I know that Scorum team want to avoid paying fees to get listed on the exchanges but there are hundreds of the crypto exchanges out there and they have to give more effort to make deals with some of them.

If Scorum team thinks that this suggested improvements will initiate SCR selling, I think that exactly opposite would happened. That would lead to more SCR bought and powered up and more users on platform. EOS has more than 50% of all tokens staked with this 72h stake rule so I don't see why would be something different with SCR...

I think that this SCR improvements will make SCR and really nice SCORUM platform better and I would like to hear Your opinions about this.

