I have been making monthly posts covering news and price evolution from different Blockchain Betting projects for over a year now. I have been thinking about the idea of having some kind of Price Prediction Contest for SCR around it. It would be interesting to see the general sentiment of Users / Investors and see if they are bullish or Bearish on Socrum short term.


The Scorum price currently sits at 0.021$. That's a 98% decrease compared to the ICO price and an over 100% increase to the lowest point it reached around May 12 (0.095$). The volume is really low and it takes very little money to move the price up or down a lot. This is a free market and everyone is free to buy / sell / power up / power down as they please. The price merely reflects the belief people have in the platforms, the actions and vision of the development team along with the general market Sentiment.


  • Make A comment below this post with the price you think SCR will have about a month from now rounded down to 0.001. ( The Price tracked in my next monthly report will count)
  • Add some reason why and I will make sure to give it an upvote!
  • The one who made the closest guess wins 100 SCR (Split payout if needed)
  • Good Luck!


After an eternity of radio silence from the Devs, the project was seen by everyone as officially dead and this reflected in the price which went down to under 0.01$. There finally was an update 3 days ago by @vlad showing that they are still active and have worked on a centralized bookmaker which they say is a completely separate project that supposed to bring in funds for Scorum. While at least nice to know they have not packed their bags yet and are still working on the Scorum Platform, it's quite frustrating that they still don't really seem to care all that much about Betscorum and from the reply of vlad in @fullcoverbetting his post it doesn't look like this will change any time soon.

The way I look at things, the value of SCR is more linked to Betscorum and its potential compared to the blogging platform. In order for a token to have value, it needs a use case and betscorum can potentially provide lots of that. It's also clear that most investors and large stakeholders on the platform are the ones most interested in the betting aspect of Scorum. The blogging platform is pretty much full of this and everyone has been begging for new sports to be added for a long time. By the looks of it, this once again was delayed. The fact that the devs seem to care so little about betscorum makes it impossible for the community that wants to get it off the ground to take some real action toward that. There also seems to be nothing that can be done to make them realize this! With little to no sports offered during the summer along with the huge fake $ post payouts, the entire platform is still looking like a scam and I can't see much reason for people to buy SCR honestly. There was a spike after the sign of life from the devs, but I do expect it will get sold into and drop back down.

My price prediction for early July: 0.012$
( I hope I'm proven wrong on this and look like a fool next month. I'm looking forward to the price evolutions regardless. )

How do you see the SCR Price Evolve?