As you get older, your body will lose its firmness and look slack in some parts. One of the visible members of the body is the upper arm. Slack arms are usually caused by a lack of muscle formation, excessive fat and lack of exercise so that the shape of the arm becomes less attractive. In this case I will explain some types of exercises that can tighten the loose arms. By adding these five simple exercises in sports activities, you will regain a tight, sexy and beautiful arm.

  1. Arm circle, Arm circle is an easy exercise to do shoulder muscles with bodyweight training. This movement is done by straightening the hand to the side and then turning back or forth repeatedly. Practicing it every day will reduce arm fat and be followed by toning the muscles.
  2. Pull Up, Arm circle is an easy exercise to do shoulder muscles with bodyweight training. This movement is done by straightening the hand to the side and then turning back or forth repeatedly. Practicing it every day will reduce arm fat and be followed by toning the muscles.
  3. Burpees, Burpees are the main exercise for functional fitness. This is a body strength training involving the arms, chest, quadriceps, hamstrings, abs and glutes in each repetition. Burpees are not only for athletes but also for everyone. Burpees help remove excess fat and increase the body's metabolism.
  4. Push Up, Push ups are great body exercises. Push ups not only work on the abs and the lower part of the body, but also on the arm at the same time. Besides helping to tighten the arms, push ups really help the body become fitter and also stronger.
  5. Jumping jacks, Jumping jacks are calisthenic exercises that make the whole body move. Jumping jacks are very good for the cardiovascular system because they can increase heart rate. The movement of jumping while clapping hands above can train shoulder muscle flexibility.

Hopefully this information is useful for friends of Scorum, let's continue to exercise to maintain a healthy body. Best Regards @fatia_detiksport