Hello, my Friends! So, today, I’m gonna introduce myself. My name is Angelica Arenas, I’m from Venezuela and I’m 21 years old, in a couple of months It’s my 22nd birthday, yay!

Let me tell you more in detail about my life…

I live in Venezuela, in Aragua state, in a little city called Maracay also known as the Garden city. It used to be really beautiful and actually it’s still beautiful but no like when I was a baby.

Since I was a baby my parents said I was a very smart baby and I really liked to learn, and I still love to learn! One curious thing is when I was a child my mom loved to dress me up with costumes, because she said I looked beautiful in it, crazy and funny, right?

My mom says I used to be a very active child and I really wanted to practice a sport so that's when I started my swimming classes at my 5 years old. I really loved it but when I had my first competition I came on second place, I was so mad about it that I decided I didn't want to come back... I know, a veryu dumb decision but I was a baby!

Well, let’s get back to the present, shall we?

Now a days, I’m a girl who loves to hang out with Friends (Well, with the ones I have here and Venezuela because most of them live in other countries right now) I really love to eat some good food hahaha and cooking it is one my favorites things in the world too! But I don’t like to do the dishes though hahaha

I also enjoy cooking healthy food (But from time to time I have my cheat meals) and I have some recipes that maybe I'll share with you. Some of these recipes help me a lot throught my weight loss, since I was over weight when I was a teenager, I'll try to make a post about it and about the exercises that help to be more healthy... It's a long journey, I'm almost where I wan to be but we'll talk about it later.

I also love going out and breathe some fresh air, go to the mountains and do some exercise. Nothing better than getting in shape while looking at the nature.

Even though I'm not really good at sports I truly enjoy watching some of them, like: Baseball (A lot!), Soccer, Boxing, F1, Tennis, Bowling, Swimming, Volleyball...

But I'm not just a girl who only cares about being fitness and try to get in a good shape, no! I also go to the university, I’m a med student in the third year of the career… It’s a long way but I hope I can go throught all of it, wish me some luck! Oh, I'll try to give some tips about our body specifically on sports. My university is the “Universidad de Carabobo” located in La Morita, Aragua state.

I hope you have enjoyed my introduction! I really hope to have a good time in this cool community and help some of you with tips and some curious thing about sports, fitness, food and our body.

Greetings to all of you!