Yes, that's me right now

Hello fellow Scorum members,

I don't know if I'm the only one seeing these weird UX. Let me know in the comment section below if you too are seeing some weird/funky UX on this site. Here's 2 that's giving me a constant headache. But I fixed the first one accidentally.

  1. Can't find the follow buttons on user profiles?

Since my first day here, I'm having some trouble finding the follow button. But everyone keeps on telling me how easy it is to find one. 

Asking noob question like a madman.

Are you facing the same problem? Worry not my friend, here's how I fix it. I turned off my Ad Blocker extension for this site and accidentally fixed the problem! Now I can see the follow button on both users profile and their post. I have no idea why, maybe we can ask the Scorum team about that.

2. Why are the posts sorted as oldest first by default?

Are you guys seeing this too? Goddammit, why? Why?

Here's what I'm seeing every time I try to read new posts.

Now by default, the oldest post will be at the very top and I'll have to scroll a lot to the bottom if I'm following a very active writer like @nhl and several other members. Why don't you sort it normally, newest post at the top you rebellious anarchist crypto bunch! Haha.


What else do you guys see/experience in the past 2-3 weeks? Let the devs know in the comment section below, I'll past this post to them and hopefully, they will improve and fix the site soon. I'm loving the site already as it is, can't wait to see it grow.