For every Episode of Scorum's Q & A Time, i make a post to announce the winners who have participated.

The announcement comes after 3 or 4 days when the 3 available positions have been won, or when no one wants to put in his or her entry. In addition to that, i also make sure that before the announcement, the necessary payments to respective wallets of winners have been concluded.

Today, we have a new winner in the person of @alilansah. As announced last week, @idunique was winner for two weeks in a row. This shows that individuals could be easily supplanted when participants act quick and smart enough.


Although this weeks winner was the third to put in his entry, unlike the first and second users, he got all the questions he attempted correct.

Below is the list of users who participated in SSQA contest #4.

1. First Place @alilansah

2. Second Place @peman85

3. Third Place @me-sarriball

4. consolation upvote @austino.

The answers to contest #4 is provided below for the purpose of clarification.

1. Because they love to dunk them

2. Finnish

3. Japan.

4. Belgium. (the question didn't say Club, but Team).

5. Demolition Derbies

6. Floyd Mayweather

7. 15

8. Twice

9. False

10. Cowhide.


Users who will be interested in future contest are advised to keenly watch this space especially on Saturdays. (However, there is no specific time for posting the contest though).


Congratulations to the winners and for those who participated.

Sincerely @izge.