Hey guys, just a quick update regarding delegations in Scorum.
I gladly present you the brand new unofficial delegation tool:

Scorum Power!

It's pretty beta for now, but it works!

I need to iron out some little glitches but it does the job. So without further ado, here is the download link:


And the related Github for the technically inclined.


How it works:

First, you need to go to the options page of the extension - just right click the icon in the top right of the browser - and enter your username and key (yes your magic secret WIF key, I save it only locally, don't worry)

Then what it does is it will add a "delegation" text next to a user when you are in their profile page like this


Just click that delegation link and it will ask for how much you want to delegate. (0 to remove)

That's pretty much it! Have fun! :)

And don't forget to vote for your favorite witness, WaveYourFlags =)