A horse, a ball, a helmet. Mix all this together and you get Polo!

So here it goes, the sport I chose is polo. Now hear me out, polo is a pretty known sport in some parts of the planet - I mean there is a very well known brand of that name - but here in Canada winter-land, nobody knows exactly what is the goal.

I think believe its origins come from Middle Ages, which is kinda cool. I can see players actually wear helmet, full fledged armour and smacking the ball with a sword, or maybe I'm a bit too imaginative. I'm making all this up by the way, this isn't a research paper damn it! But nowadays? I don't know. I mean the horse riding stuff is kind of cool but I don't get the whole goal if it's not about cutting heads, using them as balls afterwards.

Photo by Milena de Narvaez Ayllon from Pexels

That's the kind of sport I'd watch!

But anyway I digress. I don't know the rules at all, it kind of look like a cross between football and soccer, but with a horsey twist. Pretty sure it's complicated as hell to play - I mean I can't even climb on a horse - but I believe I'd get the rules pretty fast if I was to watch it.

So there, you have it, 10 minutes of sports writing, it goes way too fast!

Part of the Scorum Sports Freewriting Project by @mikey