Hello world Scorum! I'm Kevin and I'm super happy to join this great community. I want to start this first publication with my presentation and, hopefully, meet many of you here.

As I mentioned earlier, my name is Kevin. I am 22 years old and I am from Venezuela, my mother from Colombia and my father Venezuela. I am currently a Computer Engineering student at UNET due to the problems of the country I have not completed the university career in due time but we are gradually steps away from winners, and I also collaborate with Mozilla Firefox an initiative that emerged from talks and conferences held in the university and now helping to translate the support websites into the Latin American language. Lover of technology, sports, food and walks.

Valle de Mifafí, El Domo 4.200 m.s.n.m. (Mérida, Venezuela)

Thanks to some friends was that I discovered Scorum, although I started in Steemit in 2018 and they had already told me a little about Scorum but I had not paid much attention, then to experience new things I decided to start with Scorum and be able to contribute to this community .

From the age of 8 I have practiced soccer until I was 18 years old when I entered university, because the time required by the university would not allow me to play football. Also as a child, play baseball but not for long. Now in college I have practiced Ultimate (Launching Frisbee) and also Rugby, although I wanted to devote myself a bit more to Rugby, and I decided this year to devote more time to this sport.

A crazy adventurer (I almost never say no to the planes that my friends invite me). I am a lover of nature, adventures and camping (disconnected from the city for a few days is the best), hiking. It is a way to meet nature relax inwardly and enjoy absolute silence.

Sierra La Culata - Lagunas Las Verdes (Mérida, Venezuela)

One of my hobbies in the speedcube (Although now I have left behind, but you still have not forgotten something like riding a bicycle), It is the ruby ​​cube as fast as possible! I got an average of 25 seconds, and my official personal record is 18,680 seconds in an internationally supported national tournament.

School of Medicine - ULA Mérida, Venezuela. Los Andes National Tournament.

Thanks to anyone who has decided to read my presentation, I want to share several sports content and meet many of you. And I love Poker :D

See you soon!