For now we are trading on 2 exchanges - initial that was from start with us OpenLedger and later on added HotBit.

I will try to compare this 2 places from loads of sides so you can choose which to use, yet i would suggest making accounts at both. They are both No KYC exchanges so all you need is nick and password (well pretty, much, more on this later).


OpenLedger is decentralized and built on top of Bitshares crypto. When you create an account you need to write down username, password and preferably save .bin file right away and copy to some other place also - for security. Up here your account = the exchange. If you loose file/passwords you are done.

HotBit is fully centralized, so you will need user/pass, working email and preferably 2FA security setup on phone. If you lose your data there is a chance they will unlock the account and reset everything. On the other hand, they may not and if they get hacked or so, you are done. Coins belong to exchange for the time you trade them there.


OpenLedger allows anyone to create markets for SCR vs any other coin that exists on the exchange. So while we have main ones - SCR/BTC or SCR/ETH there is also plenty other cool ones (right click to open) - SCR/EXCL, SCR/OBITS, SCR/USD and many many more.

HotBit has just one market SCR/ETH where you can setup trades. To get more markets dev team would need to pay or volume be big enough for exchange to see a reason to add extra trading pairs.


There is no deposit fee on any of our exchanges yet they differ a lot in withdrawals.

OpenLedger takes 1 SCR + literally cents fee of any coin of your choice for BTS network.

HotBit takes 5 SCR for every withdrawal flat, no matter if you take out 1000 coins or 10.


OpenLedger runs since years and never had problems with users. The devs are solid and reply to all tickets.

HotBit is new, we dont know what issues they may come with in the future. So far i had no problems contacting their support.


I suggest getting accounts on both OpenLedger and HotBit since it costs nothing and you never know when you may need to use one of them. Do it now before you forget.

For buying SCR on HitBit you will need some ETH and to buy SCR on OpenLedger you have plenty of options even with native BTS that you can get ie from Binance which is top1 volume exchange.

I know we have 3rd exchange coming soon (i think from Turkey) and im doing my best to get us more interested!