Short and to the point. In this video i show how Scorum platform looks like and how ScorumBet works, also show my results there - not too sexy but thats how gambling works :)

If you are not aware since some days im doing promo of SCR wherever i can, read more in this post so you are aware of what's this about -

My YT channel was never really alive, i plan to change it in 2019 so i did also post this video to Steemit within their blockchain and such. I just think Youtube cant hurt - maybe it shows up to some people as "recommended".

Video has no reflinks or so, consider to give it a hand up so maybe it will get some traction. And if you have YT account, of course, consider to subscribe to me ;) I hope to share more video content in the upcoming year, i was never really using this platform - always been more of a text/writing guy but i feel with world-changing - this is a must.