We have a wall of purchase in the hotbit market at the price of 0.003661, so at least we will be safe from continuing to fall thanks to it, if it falls further, it would have a free fall to 0.003105 because the purchase orders are so small that they would not any. Well I also wanted to tell you that you can no longer get untamed packs in monstersmarket at 1650 DEC, they raised it to 1800 so that will be my new reference price and the orbs are still at the same price.

Well, on the other hand, I began to think that our current hope for scorum is advertising, because since the other products are totally inactive, we only have the blog left and it is something that steemit has also monetized the number of people who visit the website. . So it would be interesting to attract more traffic right now and that they do not even have to buy scorum due to their difficulty due to the exchange we have, but with them being readers or bloggers we will already be "producing" some profit and according to the devs part of that money will be used to buy scorum to distribute it among us, which is why I find the proposal interesting, and at least so let's say that scorum would have a more "profitable" model if one day betscorum is active again, even better, but for now we should focus on what devs make advertising as efficient as possible and scale it from there.

Even it seems to me that scorum's blog interface is much more friendly than steemit's, so it seems to me that we can exploit our blogging community that has remained active despite the fact that the price is in the hole.

Now, do you have any idea how to attract traffic? because the thing is to sell the idea of the currently scorum , let's not sell that you can bet because you can't haha no volume. I think we should sell it as a decentralized space and I think I think that it is free of censorship where you can express yourself about the sports and e-sports that you like the most, related matters, conspiracy theories of the sports world, etc. and that you receive money for it as a consequence We should not sell, but you are going to earn money by blogging because people are disappointed when they see the current earnings.