I have already made up my mind and every Wednesday I will buy at least $ 5 of scorum to accumulate little by little, i will try to not trade with this weekly purchases hehe in fact ill stake them. Since I am fiddling with the purchase and sale orders on hotbit, it is very curious given the low volume that it has as it can handle the price for all sides.

Now what I invite and ask, how many of you are interested in making the weekly purchase? I recommend that you do not invest money that you cannot lose, in the end anything related to scorum is a bet, a bet that we will carry out this project.

Because I also think about the possibility of the team selling the project to another company, so I would like to be well endowed with scorums if that happens or if the CEO of tron ​​comes to buy us completely haha.

You can write me on telegram or discord in case you want to make the weekly purchase with me and we agree, we can set up an account and fill it up as a savings fund hehe.

Doing some calculations if someone wanted to buy scorum completely, I mean each scorum in the system would need just over $ 100k and in the crypto world it is quite little, in addition we must consider that a good amount of scorum are frozen up to a year in the blog accounts so the truth is that we just have to wait for the advertising to work to keep scorum standing while we get accepted in another exchange, because between hotbit and sistemkoin we dont have any decent exchange.

Well and speaking about scorum, I need more ideas that can help us to attract more traffic. I am already uploading some short videos on my YouTube channel about scorum and how they can have fun on our blog.

I have said it before, dont matters if we have a good product if nobody can buy it, imagine that you are selling Ferraris ........ on a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific.

PD: Anyone can show me where can i see the actual traffic of the webpage? im a bit dumb somethings when i try to find this data XD