Everyone wants to get things done quickly and efficiently. And with Keyboard shortcuts, it just does the job on Scorum and makes the user PRO at writing post efficiently.

Yes, so furtherado, here's the Keyboard Shortcuts that works on Scorum's Post Editor:

► ctrl + z : UNDO

► ctrl + Y: REDO

► ctrl + B : Bold

► ctrl + I : Italics

ctrl + U: Underlined

► Select the text and ctrl + K : To add a hyperlink [link]


I know these are popular keyboard shortcuts that works across most of the existing platforms. But as gentle reminder and contribution to the community, to someone who is unknown to these shortcuts or not using because they haven't realised it yet, I believe this could help you make most of the Scorum to post contents efficiently.

Thank you, this is me, Mahesh Shrestha. Signing off this post, meet you all in my next upcoming post!