In recent days, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) has dropped to the lowest value in history this year. Today (11/20), as published on the website, BTC coins are closed at a price of USD 4,451.87 per coin.

Image: - 11/20/2018)

That value is the lowest price of BTC during this trade in 2018. The highest level, BTC has touched the highest price on January 6, 2018, which is USD 17,527 per coin. That is, the value of Bitcoin fell almost 4 times the highest value ever achieved.

This decline in value was also followed by other coins. Apart from Bitcoin, XRP coins, Ethereum, Cash Bitcoin, Stellar, EOS, Litecoin, Tether and others also fell alongside the trend of falling Bitcoin value.

Now the question arises. Will the value of SCR Coin also come down like Bitcoin?

From my observations, the value of the SCR coin will also go down. It's just that I can't predict what price will touch. Hopefully it doesn't touch the USD 0.01 per SCR Coin.


What should we do?

Do not panic! Stay active as usual by making quality posts and giving upvote only for quality posts.

Indeed, with the decline in SCR Coin prices, this is a good time to invest a little of your money so that your SP can increase and can do more for it.

I am very sure, 2019 is a great year for SCR Coin.
