In November, I published my first interview with Scorum CEO Vlad Artemyev. I came up with a short list of my own questions and then incorporated many questions from the community (you!) and then sent them to Vlad. Thanks to a suggestion by the Scorum Italia community, this will now be a quarterly series where I will interview Vlad every few months.

I'm asking for your help! What question would you like to ask the CEO of Scorum?

Simply post your question in the comment section below. I will go through them carefully and select several to ask Vlad. Please make sure to read the previous two interview articles here and here before asking a question to make sure it hasn't already been asked.

After I receive answers back from Vlad, I will share his full responses with you in a post. The next interview will be published in mid-February, but I want to get Vlad the list of questions in advance because he's very busy working on accomplishing the many goals that the team has outlined in their roadmap.

Questions I plan on asking Vlad during this interview include:

  • How are you doing personally? How do you balance your work and personal life? 
  • What's your favorite sport and player?
  • What changes can we expect over the next three months here on Scorum?
  • What is your take on arguments happening within the community and even among the witnesses (flag wars, voting circles, etc.)? Are they good or bad for the platform and why? 
  • We now can see that a small percentage of post payouts are in liquid SCR, just as you said we would see. How is revenue generation coming along in your opinion? Are there additional solutions being discussed or tested at this time? 
  • Have you been pleased with how Scorum Bet has grown so far? Did you expect it to be more or less popular than it is, and why? 
  • What do you believe is needed for Scorum to gain interest from investors? What do you think will interest new bloggers? What will interest new bettors? 
  • What is one question you would like to ask us -- the community? 

What question(s) would you like to ask Vlad? Please comment below. If I ask your question or a variation of your question, I will credit the question to you.

Have you voted for witnesses? Witnesses make the Scorum blockchain operate, and witnesses represent the platform and make important decisions. I am part of the Team Good witness.

Consider voting for @teamgood here: Have questions? Just ask!