November is almost over and I've been reflecting on this past year. Instead of thinking about what I would have done differently in 2018, I'm focusing my energy on looking ahead to what I want to accomplish in 2019.

Here in America, there's a tradition where each person sets goals for the upcoming year called New Year's resolutions. Here are my Scorum-related New Year's Resolutions. I'd love to hear your thoughts on mine in the comment section below, and read what yours are.

@Mikey's Scorum New Year's Resolutions

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  • Post A Minimum of 1 Quality Blog Post A Day 

While I've been a posting machine over the past six months, lately, it's been difficult to get a post up each day. In 2019, I want to publish a quality post each day. This will require planning ahead and coming up with a strong routine to make sure I'm constantly working on several pieces at a time posting one Monday-Sunday.

Although this is a goal of mine for the next year, I won't be too hard on myself if I break it for two reasons:

  1. My family and my "day job" must be my priority (in that order), and there may be times when I have to skip an article to take care of one or the other. 
  2. Quality is more important than quanity. If I don't feel like something I'm writing will provide value to you -- the awesome people who follow me on Scorum -- I shouldn't publish it. 
  • Support Great New Content Creators Better 

Soon after I realized that the support I was getting on Scorum would elevate me into a great position to help others, I promised that I would focus time and effort on finding, supporting, and promoting great new writers here. Although I do believe that I have shown support to many here, I can always get better.

And when it comes to finding great new writers, I believe I've failed. Due to time limitations, I've had less ability to read posts here on Scorum, and obviously, less time to seek out posts that aren't within my existing network. This is not an excuse -- it's me admitting failure and defining the problem so I can correct it.

I have dreamed up different efforts and contests that may help other members and I uncover these hidden gems in our community, but none really proved to be effective or sustainable. Others have done better than I have, including @pete and @talesfrmthecrypt who have launched different ongoing competitions that bring solid writers into the spotlight.

I still don't have the perfect idea on how to solve this problem -- how to better find and support great content writers who are "minnows." But, I am dedicated to this, and determined to support new writers in 2019.

Have any ideas of how I could find these great new writers here on the platform? How should I go about supporting them outside of just follows and votes? I'd love to hear your ideas below.

  • Do Every @Kofpato Exercise 

I a lot of hours each week in the comfort of my home while sitting down. I have often neglected my health, and since no New Year's resolution would be complete without something fitness-related, I'm going to increase my activity on Scorum while trying to get/stay fit! I am making it a goal to do @Kofpato's daily workout videos. They are short, relatively simple, and will help boost my energy each day while keeping me limber. Thanks, @Kofpato! I hope to comment on each activity too, so you can keep me honest if I've missed a day.

  • Listen to Every @Thesportsguru

If you've read some of my blogs, then you probably know I'm a sports talk junkie. We have a very strong daily (American) sports podcast hosted by @thesportsguru. I always try to support the show, but I haven't made time to listen to it each day of late. One of my New Year's resolutions is to listen to every single day (and comment) of the @thesportsguru podcast. You can keep me honest too @thesportsguru, and thanks for putting on a great show. As you know, I don't always agree with you, but that's the beauty of sports and having a platform to share it on!

  • Be A Better, Louder Scorum Representative 

I'm committed to Scorum. I want to help all of us here succeed and to grow the platform. I want to increase my level of activity here when possible and work on ways outside the platform to spread the word. I am joining a witness group (announcement coming later), while continuing to support our other amazing witnesses, going to create a Scorum course on Skillshare, and find other creative ways to bring people who are not currently on Scorum to our wonderful community. Have any idea? Post below!

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you have an amazing 2019!

Take a few minutes to think of what you want to accomplish on Scorum in 2019 and please share with me below.