Is there any worse feeling as a writer than working on a post for two hours only to realize that your work has completely disappeared? Sadly, this has happened to me many times, and before the recent update, it happened to me once here on Scorum. 

I vowed to save my drafts in multiple places so I would never lose a draft again. This isn't the most efficient way to write, and I would much rather have a reliable save function on the website or platform I'm writing on, but that's what I had to do at the time. 

Thanks to the development team's recent update, we now have the ability to "save to draft" when we're working on a post. Earlier this week, I used that function to save a draft. I then closed out of that tab, went back to Scorum, and couldn't figure out where my post was saved to. After asking in Telegram and Discord without any response from my amazing fellow authors here, I thought I had once again lost a draft. 

Silly me. I soon stumbled onto the answer and now have full access to all of my drafts. To make sure that you and others don't make the same mistake, here is a short guide showing how to use the draft saving feature. 

Step 1: Start Your Draft by Clicking "Write New Post"

First, just start writing a post (of course!). This is where the save function can be accessed. 

Step 2: Click "Save to Draft" While Working on Your Post

Once on the draft page, which you use to write your posts, save your draft by clicking on the "Save to draft" button. I would recommend clicking this button each time you write a paragraph. If you do not click this button, your draft will not be saved. When you do click "Save to draft," the most recent version will be saved. 

Step 3: Wait for Confirmation 

Once your post has been saved in Scorum, you will see this notification in the top right-hand side of your page. It reads "Draft was successfully saved." When you're done working on your draft and you've received confirmation that your draft has been saved, you can safely leave that page and access your post later. 

Step 4: Visit Your Profile Page 

If you have saved drafts, you will now see a "DRAFTS" tab next to "POSTS" on your profile page. Since this text is dim, it is easy to overlook at first. 

Step 5: Click on "DRAFTS" 

Simply click on the drafts tab, and you will be able to see all of your saved drafts. 

Step 6: Edit or Delete Drafts 

On the bottom right of the image for each draft, you will see "...". By clicking on the dots, you will see two options -- edit draft and delete draft. If you no longer want to have access to the draft (I'm not actually publishing an article on underwater basket weaving), click on "Delete draft." 

If you choose to delete a draft, you will see the following message, making sure you want to permanently delete your draft.  

When you are finished with a post and you have published it, the draft will also disappear from the drafts tab, keeping it clean and organized. 

The save function on Scorum is a key feature for writers. Thank you to the development team for adding this feature. I'm very happy that this now exists, and that I understand how to take advantage of it. Hopefully with this guide, you'll be able to utilize it too. 

Have any questions? Please ask below!