Thanks to everyone who ever upvoted any of my posts! It's really true that I would not be here without you. Sometimes I lose sight of this fact, but in times like today, it's important for me to say Thanks.

There is a lot I could write about, but I think I will save it and keep this simple:


If you are a Scorum noob, I really suggest checking out @pete's post about How To Make Friends.

A lot of troubles are created when we operate as silos, and don't think of ourselves as being a part of a community. You can't expect much to come in the way of upvotes if you don't provide value to other people. The beauty of this place, as it grows, is that you can find all kinds of different people. You can find your tribe in here now (unlike early days when it was like few people posting).

Here's to another months of growth, and opportunities to improve ourselves and society. I think we can do this.

Thank You,Cheers