#1 Earthlings Sport

This game is a combination of running and swimming. It has been created by Mark AAron Saus. It is started in Denmark in summer of 2013. The distance of running is 60 metres with a surface that suitable for barefoot-running. At the end of the target there is a 50 metres swimming pool. 

The winner is the first who touches the end of the wall pool.

#2 Hantis Sport

All you need is a 4 tables and 1 tennis ball. 
The rule is simple: You play by your hand like a tennis game. You have to keep serving the ball to not cross the line and touch the ground. You have to kick the ball on your opponent's tables and try to touch the ground after - So this is how you win. 

This sport also called Hand Tennis.

Hantis Craters Copyright

#3 Supa Punt Sport (SPP)

Or a one-on-one kicking game. It is a very simple game that anyone can play with an oval-shaped football. What Supa Punt™ does is just to give the players to gain a territorial aim to score a point by kicking the ball across their opponent's goal.

2 Rules: (1) Players are allowed to move sideways and abckwards. However, they should not move forwards or towards the opposition goal line more than 2 metres while moving in to the kick. First Player-ball-contact is THE kick, only.
               (2) The return kick should be taken NO MORE than 7 seconds.

| More to come. Feel free to comment your opinion and let us know about new Sports.