Hello friends, this is an introduction and as I am about myself, family, the environment and about scorum, of course. I'm sorry, if I write this introductory session after several articles preceded it. 

introduce, my name is Nasruddin. I used to be called Nasrud ​​or Nasridho. because of this call I inspired the name of the blockchain-based social media account with both names.

On scorum.com I use the account name with @nasridho. When I was steemit.com I used the name @nasrud. Please visit my blog.

In steemit, in the past few months I have not used English. I write more comfortably using my own language, Indonesian. Yes, I come from Aceh - Indonesia. Precisely in Pidie district.

I am a lover of a number of sports, such as soccer, sepak takraw, karate, volly, basketball and so on. Maybe at steemit.com, differentiating me from writing more about my daily life.

Whatever I meet, I will write it there. Maybe the scorum doesn't demand to write about it but this platform is more sport oriented. That is very fun.

I recently joined this crypto-based platform. Maybe about two weeks ago. But it was fun to know and write a number of articles about sports.

Almost all sports, here the information is very easy to get from great writers who are talented.

As a beginner on this platform, of course I still really need advice and information, and support from friends who have long joined here.

I have not fully understood this platform system. Although at least scorum.com is almost similar to Steemit.com. Even if I notice, many friends in steemit have joined the scorum.

Maybe the scorum is Steemit's replacement platform after posting a drop in Steemit prices. Scorum is an excellent alternative for crypto-based social media lovers.

Although there are several palfom who have been present and paid in the form of cryptocurency. But after I joined a few days. I seem to fall in love with this scorum.com.

Welcome me well here.