When we speak of "society" in 2018, we speak of a "global society" articulated through the communication in networks. Scorum arrives to change the rules and expand the appreciation of the sport in the world.


Sports journalism has always been the field of criticism often conditioned by separate interests of fans of pure sports. Scorum democratizes opinions and values ​​passion.

The creation of the biggest blockchain base in the sport, drastically impacts the way the fans were informed and interacted with the news until today.

The organization of the domains for the different countries and the available tools focus on the user. The development of Scorum constantly seeks to establish itself as the undisputed multimedia sports community and the first of its kind.

From the creation of the initial idea to the latest update in which the plagiarism scanner was incorporated, Scorum grew at a rapid pace during its first year. But the expansion and constant improvement of the service require the support, commitment and unity of the sports community that constitutes Scorum.

That is the crucial point where Scorum makes a break in the globalized society. It is more than a platform, it is an ecosystem of platforms in numerous domains that unites sports fans in all corners of the planet. We are part of a new generation of producers of multimedia content connected with the same goal: to change the traditional paradigm of communication where those who report from the interests of the media for which they work, were chosen as the only valid critics. Means of information that, in addition, are the only ones benefited economically thanks to the massive traffic of information in the networks.

Scorum has come to test an order established decades ago in the world. We are part of this change. And they pay us for it because our participation, criteria and responsibility with the project are vital.

It is necessary to be involved with responsibility when voting, comment and produce 100% original content. This feedback between users and Scorum is what makes up the community. At a time when the word "global community" is used like that, but rarely has to do with a true community goal, Scorum proves to be a pioneer in a new era of sports communication where we, the fans from around the world, build our news

Keep going! The change is ours! We are Scorum!

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