The Scorum platform in still in it's infancy stage as far as I am concerned. And despite the fact that hundreds of posts are being made on this platform daily, that is little compared to where this Platform is heading.

Sports is one of the few things that bring people together no matter the race, religion or Creed. And when you realize that a home for Sports lover have been built on the Blockchain, you will start to realize what You are currently sitting on.

The secret to making it on this platform is not being an Early adopter, it is all about giving value. I am saying this because I joined Steemit January 2017 but still managed to gain more Authority and Influence than those who were there April 2016.

Now if you move with the Mentality of gaining all you can before others come, you will not last here. You will simply quit when Scorum gains up to 100,000 or 1,000,000 users.

If you want to last on this Platform, then you have to build Authority. You have to pick a Niche and Blog beat the Hell out of it with Value, then you can get to Heaven. It is no strange newvs that one of the major driving forces on this Platform is the rewards.

That is not a bad thing, but you have to qualify for it. And a great way to that is to become an Authority in your Niche.

 I blog more about Sports Innovation and I will talk also about the Business side of Sports from time to time.

So what do I mean by Authority and why do you Need it ?

The Scorum community is growing, as the numbers of Scorumites increase it becomes more and more Important for you to brand youself. Having Authority means gaining Influence in a Niche through Value creation. 

You may desire to see your blog grow and gain Influence in the community, but for that to happen, you have to lead from your Niche.

So how do you achieve the Status of Authority ?


To be honest it is very few people on this Platform that are familiar with constant content creation. Most people on Steemit were surprised at my ability to create quality content consistently.

On a blogging platform like this Passion is very Important. It is what will keep You when the rewards are not as you expected. Blogging solely because of the money will leave you frustrated on days when things don't go your way.

I am not saying that anyone who wants to learn how to write can't do so, I am saying that you need Passion to build Authority.

Passionate people don't see their work as a task, they are genuinely intrested in it and so all they can to make it work. The work will come naturally to them as breathing.


Authority also means Leadership, and for you to be a Leader, Self confidence is very important. Having confidence in your abilities will play a vital role in boosting your self esteem and make you Improve your blog.

It may not be the best out there yet, but when you are confident about your abilities, then putting in the work would not be a problem for you.

Your Self Confidence will show in your blog over time. You should not be Afraid to try new things or make adjustments to the nature of your content delivery. If you are not comfortable with writing , them a podcast or a blog would just work out for You.

You don't have to write, just because everyone is writing. it is things like this that helps You stand out from the Crowd. It is not bad to try new things and fail, you can easily retract them if they don't work out as planned.

Gleaning or focusing on the blog of others won't help. You are not the same with anyone. 8 billion people on this planet and we all have different finger prints. You have to find that thing that makes you unique and refine and polish it till it shines.


This is as Important as Passion. You have to really pay attention to the community and your audience to find out what is lacking. This is where Pattern recognition comes into play. You need to have an understanding of the times so that you can come up with concepts and ideas that will make you win.

When you get this right, people would have a feeling that you are reading their Minds. We live in a Gratitude economy and when you come across to people as being resourceful, they will appreciate you for it.

One of the greatest way to build Authority is to esthablish rapport with your audience, that's why I try to reply comments on my blog post. It makes the person feel heard. And conversations can help you get things that you are getting wrong right.

If your content is not educative or informative, people will rarely engage with it. Scorum is growing on a daily basis and it will be great if that growth is done around value creation.


This quality sits at the center of the three that I talked about above. Passion, Self Confidence and engagemnt fuels creativity. They are like the compass needle that will point you to the true North of Creativity.

When you are constantly working on your content and also getting feedback from your audience, you leave no room for Mediocrioty. And know there is a difference between earning big bucks and giving real world value.

You may end up having Whale friends who upvotes all your content, but if you don't build Authority with the attributes I listed above, people will not respect you. They may just follow you because of what they might get from you.

Invest time in building a brand that you would be proud of, you will be always recognized for it. Start from whereever you are and Improve from there.

Scorum might end up having 1,000,000 users tomorrow, but If you master this, you will be a name and not a number.


Thanks For Reading

Follow @ogochukwu