I sent a message to Vlad asking about the status of the update blog, we had a short discussion about that and possible plans for the future after the current work on the Centralized Sportsbook integration and the system updates have been completed. He has assured me that they are working hard on these things and that they are very busy completing security measures and system checks on the new Sportsbook.
Vlad also informed me that it would be toward the end of the month after these critical security checks have been completed before he will have time to finish the update blog to catch us all up on the current status of the Scorum project.
I have expressed to some of you already that I've made up my mind to become more proactive on Scorum and commit myself to help wherever possible toward promoting Scorum and working together with the developers toward our mutual goal of mass adoption. With that in mind I have offered to help post more timely Scorum update blogs. I am happy to announce that Vlad has agreed to personally give me an update report about every two weeks so that I can use that information to create a status update blog. I hope that this will be sufficient to keep everyone apprised of the work that is ongoing and let everyone know that the project is still moving forward.
I will also be holding discussions about proposed changes and future updates as the team begins to refocus on the growth and expansion of the platform again. As our membership numbers begin to grow faster in this changing market so will our operating revenue. And as our operating revenue increases so will the available funding for advertising, which should lead to even faster membership growth.
There are currently two proposed changes to the Scorum Blogging Platform that are on the table for possible implementation in the near future. They were member generated suggestions for improving Scorum and attracting more users. These changes if implemented will change the fundamental make-up of Scorum Blog, so the team would like to know how the members feel about these changes before they proceed. Please register your vote and add comments below. By voting and commenting you will be actively taking part ownership of this platform and our future.
Proposal #1
Create a new blogging domain specific to Betscorum, all blogs specifically pertaining to the enhancement of Betscorum and user experience on that platform would have its own domain that would directly integrate with with the betting platform.
- This will help solve the seeming disparity between the value of a professional sports blog offered to sports fans and the value of betting information offered to members betting on sporting events. These are two completely different types of blogs and they are posted for completely different user groups. Separating them could end some of the internal friction on the blogging platform and prevent the confusion that non betting sports fans might experience when visiting the primary blogging domain.
- In many Countries and regions around the world gambling is illegal or is considered culturally unacceptable. By separating the betting blogs from the sports blogs we can avoid losing potential members that might be turned away by the gambling blogs.
- Many sports associations have strict rules about member participation in gambling sites whether on or offline. Some athletes, coaches and sports administrators might shy away from becoming active on a blogging platform where gambling was promoted.
- Amateur sports and children's sports associations might also be turned away from signing up for a Scorum account where gambling was being regularly promoted in dedicated blogs.
Proposal #2
Create a new blogging domain specific to ESports.
- ESports alone is a multi billion dollar industry that is growing at an astounding pace. This is a specific usergroup that is unique and different than athletics. ESports has become a subculture with a value system that is somewhat different than the rest of the sporting world. By forming a separate blogging domain it may be possible for us to provide a home for these sports enthusiasts and in doing so tap into this dynamic wealth of talent and exuberance.
- Scorum can potentially provide a platform for new innovation in the ESports industry. We have an almost unlimited potential for App development that a could be integrated into the dedicated ESports blogging platform in a similar way that Betscorum will be integrated with the betters blogging platform. Imagine if we turn ESports discussions and "how to" blogs into something that is profitable to everyone currently involved in ESports.
That's all that I have for you today. Don't forget to vote on these proposals and add to the discussion below.
I know that I told some of you that the new update blog would be out as early as this week and that is what I had understood from an earlier discussion. Looking back I see that I was just told that it would be out soon, so I apologize for this error. Not to worry though I'm confident now that it will be posted before the end of the month so we have that to look forward to.
In the meantime check out this discussion from Mr_Kristof as he finishes up Consensus week.