The family, as a first community where child belong, represent an unavoidable basics for his development. In the frames of this system, child learns and develop his social, emotional, but also his cognitive skills. This is the first stage where child is try out his patterns of behaviours and trying to find right ways for confront to stress situations. That is why family have important influence on development of child’s motivation whether is, motivation for life, school or sport. Mostly on parents behalf, child start to practice certain sport, specially if parents was playing same sport as youngsters. Beside school, sports team and sports arena, represent new social system, where applies new rules of behaviour and where it takes strong will to succeed.

Parent as a primary figures in child’s life, also have the role of useful opponent, somebody who beside support and gentleness, represent stimulant and gives challenges which child need to overcome.

Development levels

The child’s entry into world of sport, are developing in three stages. During the first stage, when they have between six and twelve years, children's are participating in large number of sports activity and this period is called The tryout stage. It is relevant, because children's gets familiar with the rules and demands of each sport and they test, which sport would be most suitable for them or in which sport they would be the best.

In the second stadium, The stage of specialisation, where child is already into period of adolescence, between age of 13 and 16, now already young sportsman, are defining one sport in which they will invest their time, strengths and themselves. In this period, trainings are becoming more demanding, the coaches expectations grows and young sportsman gets his position for which he improves more and more.

The third stage, the stage of investment, applies that, sportsman is aware what is needed for success in sports world and main motivation is better achievements and improvements of his skills and techniques. Family have the key role in this development period. During the period of tryout, the family need to allow the kid to change and choose sports he wants, because early orientation to only one sport without trying other sports leads to early give up from the sport and developing of inadequate motivation and therefore lower success in sport. During other two stages, for young sportsman is necessary support from family because orienting and committing to one sport, caring lot of stress and pressure, as well as challenges and denials from social part of life. In this period, when kid spend more time on the field than out of it, the family is the one, who gives him the emotional support, security and stability.

The goal is to learn kid, to face himself with all doubts and obstacles, so he can develop completely and be perfect in his field. Babysitting can lead to addiction of child from parents, so he could’t make his own decision and take responsibility for his actions.

Parents put lot of pressure on the kid, in a way that, he need to be better than they are, unabled the child to develop his own personal relationship towards the sport. He implement the parents pattern and tries hard to not disappoint his parents, which leads to giving up from sports in a case of failure. It is normal to expect something from a child but expectations needs to be real. It is one thing to stimulate a child by motivate him to do what he loves and the other is to lead him, by using your own map without child’s influence. The healthy competitive spirit, where you don’t humiliate the opponent and not putting a focus on number of wins, but on the effort you give, will be a path of healthy success for the child. The family is here to meet him with both types of motivation, to help him to research the reasons why he wants to do sports and does he really wants to be professional sportsman.

Thanks for reading, and feel free to put your thoughts in a comment.

