A man in New York City became a true "Fruit Ninja" this week when he left 27 watermelons half-heartedly in his own belly, setting the new Guinness world record. But he warned: do not try at home.

Ashrita Furman, who registers records for 35 years, claimed her last title on Tuesday in Queens, New York, with a team of five attendees. He cut seven melons into the hands of the Guinness organizers who said he had to set the record.

"My first reaction was that I did not commit suicide," Furman told Reuters, "and the second one is very good because it's not just a good album, it's something that I invented and that does not exist now that there are and other people." He can challenge. "

The 64-year-old man promoted the idea to Guinness officials after his registration for most watermelons cut in someone else's stomach was selected in April. The friend who worked with him in the past was busy at this time, so after practicing and meditating, Furman decided to do it himself.

"That's really his idea, I said," I do not think it's possible, "said Furman to CBS News. "There is little benefit (only) ... This is a greater risk."

With the help of the knife on one side and a glove on the other, Furman leaned back on a folding table and prepared himself for the attack on the fruit. A row of assistants passed the watermelons on their abdominal cutting board and while he was sweeping a fight, Furman was clean and fast alone in his world record.

Furman said he was a bit on his stomach. He cautioned, however, that this type of oppression is "absolutely unsafe" for fans.

"Frankly, I hope people do not try it unless they know what they're doing," says Furman, who says he's been working with swords in similar stunts in the past. "It really is not safe unless you have experience with a sword."

What about the melon? Discarded pieces are awarded to the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race runners, a 52-day ultramarathon that takes place in Queens, not far from where Furman sets his last record.

Guinness World Records is called Furman, who made a mission of his life break all the records he could, the "best breaks records." He said he got at least 730 records, more than 200 that still have a good reputation.

Furman said he had broken records, from the fastest mile to a pogo stick and the longest hour in the underwater hula hoop, in more than 40 countries and on all continents. Your next challenge? Retrieving his title for longer in a Swiss dance.

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there is youtube video how man cutting water melon in slices,