Hello Scorum community! My name is Satoshi and this is my first article here on Scorum. After a month on the platform, I thought it would be a good opportunity to see how far we have come.

The beauty of blockchain is that everything is transparent. Every vote, every comment, every post, indeed - every transaction is recorded for everyone to see. I decided to comb through the data available on explorer.scorum.com and see what it could tell us. From June 13 to July 15, there was a total of 80,649 transactions! A “transaction” includes transferring SCR, voting, commenting, posting, new user registrations, as well as things like witness votes.

And with that, let’s dive in!

Plot 1  - Created by @satoshi

The majority of the 80,649 transactions composed of votes, posts, comments, and new user registrations. This bar chart shows the total daily transactions in the first month of the platform launch.

As you can see, the lion’s share of all daily transactions are in votes, followed by posts and comments, and finally with the smallest share are new user registrations. July 12th saw the busiest day so far topping out at 4,925 total transactions. The lowest was on June 16th, with a paltry 957 total transactions. My guess is that July 12th and 13th saw the highest number of transactions due to excitement from the semifinals and the lead up to the World Cup Finals a few days later.

Another thing worth noting is the dip in transactions on July 5th. I surmise, this is because Americans were celebrating their Independence Day holiday. I know that the Scorum community has people from all over the world, but my guess is that a large chunk of them are located in the United States and that may account for a dip in activity on the site. Another explanation in the dips is that there were some days where the blockchain was down and new blocks couldn’t be added, which led to people not being able to post or vote. 

Plot 2 - Created by @satoshi

Plot 2 shows the daily votes during the first month. It looks like there are 3 distinct phases. The first week and a half saw relatively low levels of votes. From June 26th to July 8th, we increased and averaged around 1200 votes per day and after that we saw a huge jump in voting transactions from July 9th onwards. This big jump coincides with a large number of new users registered on July 9th (Plot 4). It’s nice to see a noticeable upward trend here that is also reflected in Plot 3 and 4. 

Plot 3 - Created by @satoshi

If you look at the general shape and distribution of Plot 3 and Plot 2, they seem to correlate with one another. The totals shown here are a sum of both daily article posts PLUS the daily comment posts. The blockchain explorer doesn’t differentiate between them unless you click on the transaction to see if a “comment” was a new post or a new comment. And I won’t be going through each comment transaction to find out. I’ve got better things to do. :)

I would like to see how much of these totals are posts and how many are comments. Of course, comments would make up the majority of these totals, but it would be interesting to see what the distribution is. 

Plot 4 - Created by @satoshi

Whew, finally we have daily user registrations. From the Scorum ICO, they revealed that 3,995 individuals participated. If I remember correctly, those individuals would automatically have a Scorum account made for them. This plot represents new users who didn’t participate in the ICO and registered after the platform launch on June 13th. Right now we are adding roughly 100 new accounts per day, but as you can see, there were some days where we had less than 50 new accounts registering.

What is weird about this particular plot is how much variance there is. Some days you can see a huge drop in new users and other days you can see a huge spike (for example, July 9th) I’m not quite sure what could explain this. Could it be bots? Smurf/Fake accounts? Organic growth and word-of-mouth? Who knows~~~ Well, maybe I’m just crazy and just want to make sense of the world.

Final Thoughts  

Wow, that was a lot to unpack! In any case, I hope you enjoyed my graphical summary of the first month of the Scorum platform. I have read many great articles on this site and I am proud to be part of such a great community. Scorum is still in its infancy, but if we come together, we can truly do great things, lift each other up, and create value on this incredible platform.

Thank you for reading!


Author’s Notes:

  1. All data was from https://explorer.scorum.com/en-us/
  2. I decided to coincide roughly with the World Cup, which ran from June 14 to July 15th.
  3. The blockchain explorer gives the date and times in UTC/GMT.
  4. The blockchain explorer denotes both making a comment and posting an article as a “comment” transaction. That is, the explorer doesn’t differentiate between the two.
  5. I imported the data into LibreOffice Calc, plotted the data in R studio, and made the plots presentable in Adobe InDesign. 
  6. A screenshot of some of the raw data in LibreOffice Calc. 
Raw Data imported into LibreOffice Calc - Courtesy of the author