With the launch of ScorumBet we can expect that demand of SCR will increase. With the increasing demand, we need a sustainable way to fulfill it. That's why I think liquid payout is the perfect addition to the betting exchange. Means, users receive X% payout in SP and Y% in SCR. It could be 50/50, 60/40, 70/30, etc.

Right now Scorum has over 32k accounts created. Let's assume that there are 5k active users who earn from the blogging platform. If we implement liquid payout, those 5k users will have additional liquid SCR in their wallet, which they can spend on the betting exchange or sell it on the market. Either way, it would provide liquidity for ScorumBet: they could bet themselves, or they could sell it to bettors on the market.

I believe this will boost activities on ScorumBet. Because, if you have liquid SCR in your wallet, you might find it hard to resist the urge to bet. While 50/50 payout on Steemit boosts bidbot industry, the liquid payout on Scorum will boost ScorumBet.

The thing is, liquid payout requires ads system running well first. In the meantime, we can always power down to get some liquid SCR. But I hope the liquid payout will come soon to the platform.