We are glad to announce that SCR is now listed on Hotbit. With nearly 200 cryptocurrencies trading now, Hotbit has a daily trading volume that hovers around the 20 million dollar mark. We look forward to this new opportunity and welcome traders on Hotbit to Scorum!

Hotbit offers secure and high-liquidity trading with a friendly user interface and all the tools day and occasional traders need to have an enjoyable and safe cryptocurrency trading experience. In addition to a secure and fast trading and transfer experience, Hotbit offers 24/7 support in case traders have any trouble or questions.

For more information about how to set-up your account and trade SCR tokens on Hotbit, please read through the clear instructions outlined on their new user guide and take a moment to read through the other resources listed on the Hotbit help page.

Deposit from Scorum Wallet to Hotbit

To send your SCR to the Hotbit Exchange, first you should setup your account there if you don’t have one yet.

  1. Go to your Hotbit account, select ‘Fund’ and ‘Deposits & Withdrawals’ from the top menu bar (https://www.hotbit.io/dw)
  2. Find SCR in the dropdown list of coins, then click ‘Deposit’ on the right
  3. You will see a popup with the account ‘hotbitex’ and a unique number code.
  4. Go to your Scorum wallet and select the ‘SEND’ tab in the box on the right.
  5. Enter the username ‘hotbitex’ to send SCR to Hotbit
  6. Enter the number code into the memo line in the Scorum wallet. (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT)
  7. We STRONGLY recommend you transfer a small amount of SCR first as a test transfer

If you have any further questions, as always we are happy to discuss them in our Telegram chat. We hope you enjoy trading on Hotbit with your SCR tokens.