Today's Daily Pick

Scorum Africa daily curation is to help and support undervalued posts in the community and reward them with the deserved upvotes. This is to help encourage good content creators in the community to keep on with their great work.

Today's Daily Pick

Legal-issues-facing-esports-edoping-conventional-doping-and-broadcasting-rights by jotmax

The-clash-of-african-titans by izge

15-hilarious-memes-football-betting-addicts-can-relate-to by tosyne2much

3-best-effective-cardio-workout-to-burn-fat-or-at-home-full-body-workout-or-with-kofpato-s-daily-fitness-vlog-57 by kofpato

Juventus can-win-the-champions-league-without-ronaldo by idunique

Barcelona-want-to-prove-that-wembley-is-for-them-by-scoring-tottenham-4-2 by desmond41

Uefa-champions-league-continues-or-the-journey-to-wanda-metropolitano? by black-man

Attention To all ScorumAfrica Member's

ScorumAfrica Discord channel has been created to help curate the post of all scorumafrica members. In tagging your post please be reminded to use scorumafrica as one of your tags to enable us recognize your post. Do join the Discord Link HERE and drop your posts in the post promotion channel.

Thanks for Passing Through

We will carry out a daily curation of the best contents which scale plagiarism and low quality thorough checks. Our team will also check for impersonation and false stories which might be targeted at raping the reward pool. Good writers will get good rewards.

Please don’t hesitate to vote for @scorumafrica as a Witness HERE