Scorum Africa Daily Pick

Scorum Africa daily curation helps and supports undervalued posts in the community and reward them with the deserved upvotes.

This is to help encourage good content creators in the community to keep on with their great work.

Selected Posts Of The Day:

Chelsea Ends Manchester City Unbeaten Run - Sarriball Works by @mr-sarriball

Is This What a Title Race Looks Like? by @sport-x

Chelsea Snatch City's Chain! - Sarri Finally Tweaked His Tactics... by @chimzysports

"La Masia" Youth Academy Is Still Alive by @idunique

The Beautiful Game Cricket by @kolumbus

The Pain And Gain In Sport Betting by @oxygen02

HAPPY MOAN DAY, "Jordan Lee Pickford Rescues The Merseyside Reds From A Tie" by @stanleyasokingz

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