Daily curated posts

Scorumafrica curation is to help and support quality posts on Scorum and reward them with the deserved upvotes. This is to help encourage good content creators on Scorum to keep on with their great work.

A number of posts were curated in the last couple of days. Below are some out of the curated posts.








The SCR dumped to $0.009249 on May 12. Many started doubting the platform. Well, it is normal to doubt. However, Scorumafrica believes that the Scorumteam are working to deliver a solid product and it is only a matter of time before we start reaping the rewards. We must do our own part in this trying moment.

Scorumafrica will be announcing a project soon. The project will usher in a wave of Dapps on the platform which will bring in active users and investors.

Thank you