On Scorum, every week more and more breaking news about sports is posted. We already have 200+ translators in our bounty community that helping us to translate these articles into more than 20 languages. And the numbers will only continue to grow.

Common translations program

  • Translators use high-quality posts and translate them into their own languages;
  • They can post all translations in their personal blogs at their languages domains (with the link to the original article in the end);
  • And then just send bounty LLC @rina_ra a link to their account to check it out;
  • If Scorum community find out that the translations are bad or translators are violating the rules above, we have every right to exclude the translator from the program.

How to get into common translation program?

  • Fill out the form here if you haven’t done this before;
  • Ping @rina_ra in Telegram and tell her into what language you want to translate;
  • She will send all the details where to get posts to translate;
  • All your translation bounty activity should be discussed with and approved by Lead Linguistic Coordinator @rina_ra before your start.


For this work translators will get delegated SP from our team and, of course, rewards from readers upvoting. We delegate SP for 1 week. This will allow our bounty community to quickly distribute both quality content and rewards to the new communities that grow within each language domain.

  • 1-2 translated articles per week = 100 delegated SP
  • 3-4 translated articles per week = 200 delegated SP
  • 4 and more translated articles per week = 300 SP


  • Using Google translate is not allowed. Once we find out that a person has used this or other tools to translate articles, we will exclude them from the program;
  • You can use only articles of those writers who gave Scorum agree to be translated;
  • Every translator has to add a link of the original article in the end of your translation and mention that your article is a translation, without this the translation will be not accepted and rewards will be revoked;
  • Every week translators have to fill out the Status Spreadsheet and put links of their translations to the “Translated articles column

Approved translations program

Translators who have already proved their high quality translations have to complete different tasks from the Scorum team: technical articles, interface translation, advertising texts etc;

  • All your translation bounty activity should be discussed with and approved by Lead Linguistic Coordinator @rina_ra before your start;
  • If are already a participant of our common translation program for a while and want to get in, please contact @rina_ra and discuss the details;
  • If Scorum community find out that the translations are bad or translators are violating the rules above, we have every right to exclude the translator from the program;

How to get into approved translations program?

  • Fill out the form here if you haven’t done this before;
  • Ping @rina_ra in Telegram and tell her into what language you want to translate;
  • Discuss the details.


For this work translators will get SCR from our team. We pay 0,05 SCR per word for such translations.


  • Using Google translate is not allowed. Once we find out that a person has used this or other tools to translate articles, we will exclude them from the program;
  • All rewards for the month translations usually send 20th of each month;
  • If you are not able to complete the tasks before the deadline, you should let @rina_ra know about it. If a translator miss the deadline and do not let us know, we will exclude him / her from the program.

Join our Bounty community to contribute to the development of the next generation sports media!

P.S. Don't forget to join our Telegram community :)

Scorum has the right to change the rules or details of this translation program anytime with notification via a post in Official Bounty chat.