Hello Scorum

Another week has passed and another week is ready to start. Times is just flying by like crazy and in a a week we will jump right into November. This weekend is just been raining all the time so it is easy to feel in which season we are moving now. I already miss the warmer and sunnier days where I was able to hang out outside and spend more time in nature. All my fingers are crossed that we will get some more chance to hit into the hills again before things get really dark and grey over here. Soon the autumn colors should be at its peak, hopefully the weather will play along to bring us out once all together once more. Maybe next weekend? I just can't wait that long!!


Let's get back to the nominations. I always come up with the same, very simple question:

Which user here at Scorum deserves a little attention and should be supported by me for a week?

We had two people stopping by voting for the candidate, and I am more than thrilled we will finally support some female writer again. Thanks to @pete and @bamamama for stopping by here.

And congrats go out to Becky @kathryn!